




Anglers Inn Best Value Vernal

  1. City Manager

  2. City Recorder

    The City Recorder's Office is responsible for the official records of the City including ordinances, resolutions, minutes, agendas and municipal code.

  3. Finance

    The Finance Department provides financial information to the public, auditors, the City Council and the City Manager.

  4. Human Resources

    Pursue a career with Vernal City and help us provide excellent municipal services to our community. We value our employees and are committed to providing the best customer service to our residents.

  5. Justice Court

    Justice Courts are established by counties and municipalities and have the authority to deal with class B and C misdemeanors, violations of ordinances, small claims, and infractions committed within their territorial jurisdiction.

  6. Mayor & City Council

    Find information about the Mayor and City Council of Vernal.

  7. Planning & Development

    Planning and Development is the department of City government that administers construction, development and land use within the City.

  8. Police

    It is the mission of the Vernal Police Department to strive for, and maintain a positive image for our community, while providing competent and fair law enforcement and public safety services for all.

  9. Streets & Signs

    The Public Works department oversees all the utilities in Vernal City.

  10. Water / Sewer

    Access documents from the Water Division and FAQs about your water service.

  11. Victim Advocate

    The Victim Advocate's mission is to provide victims of violence in Vernal City and Uintah County with resources and assistance to eliminate physical, psychological and sexual abuse as well as stop the inter-generational cycle of family violence.

It is the purpose of the District to enforce all animal related regulations and ordinances within its jurisdictional boundaries, to ensure the welfare of the animal(s) and the public thru investigation and resolution of all reported complaints and violations, using both a pro-active educational response and a reactive enforcement response as needed, and to capture, restrain and contain all stray animals and estray livestock not only for their welfare, but to provide a safer enviroment for domestic animal(s) and the public.

Area of Service:

The District will provide animal control and shelter services to all municipalities within Uintah County, including all unincorporated communities located in the County.

For any injured livestock concerns on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands within Uintah County, call central Dispatch at 1-435-789-4222.

EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2017; The District signed an Inter-Local Agreement with Ballard City for animal control services within the Ballard City limits. As Ballard City still is currently contracted with Roosevelt City for animal control services as well, District animal control officers will be responding PRIMARILY TO;

1. Dangerous and/or aggressive animal calls;
2. Dogs in Livestock;
3. Livestock inside city limits;
4. Other "designated" emergencies.



1. All Tribal Lands

Contact Information:

To contact your local Animal Control please call Central Dispatch @ (435)789-4222.

Spring and Summer hours Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Due to budget restrictions FY 2018, Off-duty on Saturday, Sundays and Holidays except for emergency call outs. Starting March 1, 2018 there will be two (2) full-time and one (1) part-time animal control officers.

Animal Control Officers are on Stand-by status for after hours,designated emergency call outs only, which includes Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays . Officers rotate stand-by duties.

The below listed are the designated emergency calls that officers will respond to after hours;

1. Injured or sick animals

2. Animals that are in distress and require immediate attention

3. Animals reported as exhibiting dangerous and/or vicious behavior

4. Animal bites

5. Animal bites involving rabies suspect animals or where suspicion of rabies exists

6. Loose livestock in traffic that cannot be contained or identified by other designated officials or agencies, and that pose a hazard to the livestock and/or public safety

7. Animals chasing, worrying, harassing, injuring or killing livestock

8. An enforcement situation in which law enforcement requests an animal control officer

9. Any natural disaster or major emergency click on Title 6 Animals

http:// the Animal Control Ordinance no. 97-95 Chapter 13-02 for Naples City is Not available online. Contact the Naples City Administrative offices for more information. the Animal Control Ordinance No. 1006-0004 for Ballard City is NOT available online. Contact the Ballard City Administrative Offices for more information.